Today we upgraded our PCIe audio outputcard with a very precise 5PPB OCXO clock. In this particular case it is a Pink Faun I2S PCIe digital audio card. The clock is a 24.576 MHz type.
The new OCXO clock is mounted on the back of the PCIe card. Be aware of the fact you need 20mm extra space at the back of the card. Luckely our Audiophool music server has an additional free slot for the required space.
We placed the upgraded PCIe card back in the slot of the music server and we listened to the new set-up.
The benefits of an ultra precise and very low noice clock is immediately audible: All characteristics in audio playback seems to improve. More depth, more quietness, more dynamics and detail and surprisingly a far better bass-response. All digital glare seems to be gone and the music sounds fluent like ……. music..

More info about the upgrade :