About audiophool
The founder and owner of Audiophool is Hans van den Barg. Hans was fascinated by music and audio from an early age. He was eight years old when he disassembled his father’s old tube-radio and made his first modifications. Years later Hans was designing and building loudspeakers. One of his designs was published by the major Dutch audio magazine HVT.
Hans studied Applied Sciences as well as Electrical Engineering and started a career in several large companies. Meanwhile his fascination for audio never left him and in 2017 Hans founded his own company Audiophool.
For a long time Hans was a passionate analog fan because he believed only analog music could bring the right level of involvement and emotion in music playback. He developed his own tube amplifiers and built his own output transformers. One of his innovative ideas is the Active Output Transformer. This Active OPT for single ended designs has no airgap in the transformercore : With no airgap there is no loss of energy, no loss of dynamics and no loss of micro information.
But the last years Hans found out digital sources can also bring the right amount of involvement and emotion in music listening. Therefore he developed his music servers, powersupplies and modifications for switches.