Inspired by Paul Pang’s Quad switch we asked ourselves ‘Is more…..more?’ We decided to do a multi Meraki test and to see if adding switches will do the magic.
For the test we chose three audio test-tracks:
– Till Bronner, Thousend kisses deep (Qobuz)
– Melody Gardot, love song (Qobuz)
– Beethoven, string quartet No. 12 in E-flat Major, Op. 127 (Qobuz)
We already had concluded that two switches increase the sonic performance and the upgrade with an OCXO clock gives a new sound. So, our starting point is two upgraded Meraki’s both powered by our ‘Silver’ lpsu and connected to each other by SFP/Fiber. And the last switch, the one closest to the music server, is also upgraded with an OCXO clock.
First test Both switches with an OCXO clock: The first Meraki is removed and replaced by an OCXO upgraded Meraki.
Wow !!! This is a major improvement. We didn’t expect this level of sonic progress : Bigger stage, wider image, more depth, more dynamics, more definition. The violins played very smooth. No harshness at all.
Very surprising !!
Second test Adding a third OCXO upgraded Meraki to the network-chain. There are three now.
The results were a bit disappointing. We couldn’t hear a major progress. The stage didn’t change and the image was just as wide as before. The experience of depth was the same and the violins played as smooth as before.
But we could notice a subtile but clear increase in the definition and serenity of the music played.
Third test Adding a fourth OCXO Meraki in the chain.
The results were exactly the same as in the second test. No extra magic. Although we also noticed a slight increase in definition and serenity.
It was fun to test and we think the optimum has reached by two OCXO clock upgraded Meraki’s connected by SFP/Fiber and individually powered by a very fine linear power supply.
Enjoy listening

Hallo Hans,
Op je site las ik de test met de 2 gemodificeerde Cisco Meraki’s. Nu had ik al in de nieuwsbrief van Alpha Audio gelezen dat de standaard Meraki’s goede switches zijn, dus ik was erg nieuwsgierig hoe jouw gemodificeerde en in serie geplaatste Cisco’s zouden klinken. Ik heb maandag de met beide upgrades (basic plus OCXO-clock) switches ontvangen. Eenmaal aangesloten wist ik niet wat ik hoorde! Ongelooflijk, mijn set speelt in een andere dimensie; de muziekbeleving is nu zo intens. Ik ben zo blij met deze geweldige upgrade!
Met vriendelijke groet, Jack
Hi and good morning! Could you provide the interpret of the Beethoven piece of music? Thx, Michael
Hi Michael,
It’s performed by the Fine Arts Quartet. It’s a 24/192 recording.
Bye, Hans
Hi Hans,
I made good power cables to your silver PSU. With two Meraki OCXO switches I have been playing for 3 weeks.
The only thing I can say: The sound is incredible. Simply – movement in detail, purity, space, reverberation.
Thanks Hans for your service
Bye, Josef (Czech Republic)
Voici 2 semaines que j’écoute le meraki ms 220 tweaké. Je l’ai d’abord écouté seul pour comparer le ms220 tweaké oxco et le non tweaké oxco:
Plus de transparence, de dynamique, le grave est plus ferme plus informatif, un placement plus précis des pupitres, plus de présence.
J’insère à présent le 2ème ms220 non tweaké. Les 2 switch sont en cascade, avec de bons câbles rj45, le tweaké oxco, le plus proche du lecteur réseau :
Encore plus de transparence, de dynamique, le grave est encore plus ferme et plus informatif, un placement plus précis des pupitres, plus de présence.
Et surtout plus d’ampleur, l’image est clairement plus large, le fait de mettre en place 2 switch en cascade nécessite un nouveau placement d’enceintes,
pour avoir une scène cohérente, chez moi en tout cas.
Et cela m’a permis de bien ressentir comment le système peut encore évoluer… Bravo à vous Hans pour votre initiative !
Cédric (France)
Goeiemiddag Hans, De MERAKI PSU is deze namiddag binnen gekomen. Dank voor de snelle levering. Ik heb deze onmiddellijk geïnstalleerd.
Vanaf de eerste tonen hoorde ik heel duidelijk het verschil tussen voor (1 switch) en na (2 switchen). De ‘WOW’ die je in jouw blog schrijft is verre van overdreven: duidelijk veel grotere helderheid, diepte, dynamiek, …
Een absolute meerwaarde in mijn systeem. En ze zeggen dat er heel wat audiofielen twijfelen over de invloed van de switch op de klankkwaliteit: die zouden dit dienen te horen!
Met vriendelijke groeten, Eric DeBacker (BE)
This is the post that inspired me to purchase 2 OXCO upgraded Merakis with Audiophool MERAKI LPSUs. I was wowed from the first moment, the soundstage opened up tremendously in all directions. I already thought I had great presence with my system, but putting in the upgraded Merakis with the basic upgrade, plus OXCO clocks and LPSUs, took my system to a whole new level, streaming content now easily surpasses CD.
Aside from soundstage and separation, every other aspect has changed, bass slam and sustain, more natural voices, cymbals have more definition and sustain. The plucking of strings, the sound of sticks hitting the drums, everything just pops, more real like the performance is in my room.
Thanks, Gilles (CAN)